A complimentary issue of Real eDiscovery is available now. Real eDiscovery is a trusted information source for legal teams interested in bringing e-discovery in-house.
In this issue, Vivian Tero from industry analyst firm IDC answers questions about early case assessment in a Real eDiscovery exclusive. IDC recently published the “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Standalone Early Case Assessment Applications 2011 Vendor Analysis.” We were able to ask Tero about the study’s results, the benefits of ECA, common ECA misconceptions, and more.
Other interesting topics in this issue:
-- the evolution and maturation of the e-discovery market in the wake of recent industry reports
-- the role of outside counsel and the benefits of certification in a profile of e-discovery litigation attorney Richard Lutkus
-- the six technological must-haves for e-discovery software
-- views on important legal technology issues, including early case assessment, EU data privacy, metadata, FOIA requests, and insourcing e-discovery
-- metadata production and FOIA requests in the wake of NDLON v. ICE
-- the benefits of bringing data processing in-house.
Download a complimentary copy of Real eDiscovery.